Aims and Objectives

Aims & Objectives

1. To promote free and affordable access to education, health care facilities, and other social amenities to vulnerable children, orphans, the less privileged in the society and victims of conflicts.

2. Provide support to orphanages and facilities for rehabilitating and resettling abandoned children and the motherless.

3. To contribute to poverty alleviation in rural communities in Nigeria by economically empowering for poor youths, women and widows through Training in modern techniques for sustainable agriculture, proper use of inputs, access to agricultural insurance and to markets.

4. To organize entrepreneurial activities such as seminars, skill acquisition workshops, talent discovery programs in relevant areas for human capital development.

5. Strategy Support/Pro-bono Advisory Services

Provide strategic support at National, state and local government levels, through pro-bono research, strategy mapping, KPI formulation, monitoring and evaluation and other advisory services. These services will act as a support to our advocacy initiatives towards better governance and achievement of the Sustainable Development.

6. To promote the building of gender inclusive communities along the line of the SDG’s. To promote and contribute to Gender mainstreaming in all community planning processes and peace building initiatives.
To give platforms for the voice of special needs persons regardless of gender and religion or ethnicity